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Category: CSS

Power Pages: Adding a Custom Form Modal to List Action Buttons

December 8, 2023 6 Min.To Read

Recently there was a comment on my blog Power Apps Portals: Related Entity as Source of Next Web Form Step about adding a custom Edit button to a list or subgrid. In this case, rather than editing the main row in the table, they wanted to edit a row that was related to the main row. If you want the edit form to pop up in a modal, it requires a bit of JavaScript. In this post, I’ll go through what you need to do in order to achieve this functionality.

The Journey to the Launch of ecLearn, an LMS for Dataverse

October 18, 2023 2 Min.To Read

If you follow us on social media, hopefully you’ve seen that we at Engineered Code shared some exciting news this week. We announced ecLearn, a learning management system (LMS) built on top of Microsoft Dataverse. In this blog post I’m going to give you a bit of a glimpse into the ecLearn journey.

Power Pages: A Platform for ISVs?

September 20, 2023 5 Min.To Read

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) have been an important part of the Microsoft Business Applications space for a long time. ISVs create solutions that build on top of the platforms and products that Microsoft provides off-the-shelf. As the Power Platform has continued to grow and evolve, more opportunities have presented themselves for ISVs. In this post, I’ll look at what ISVs might want to consider when looking at incorporating Power Pages as part of their offering.

Power Pages: Dataverse at its Core

July 4, 2023 4 Min.To Read

Microsoft’s Power Platform is constantly growing and evolving. As much as everyone (especially Microsoft) wishes that all parts of the Power Platform worked seamlessly together, the reality is that many parts of the Power Platform existed long before Microsoft started using the word Power to group these technologies together. However, I believe that advancements in virtual tables, specifically for Power Pages, emphasizes the fact that Dataverse should be at the core of any Power Platform implementation.

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