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Power Pages: Unprecedented Times for Long-Time Customers

With the release of documentation describing the migration from the Standard Data Model to the Enhanced Data Model, we’ve entered some unprecedented times for organizations that have been using Power Pages for a long time. For the first time since Microsoft acquired the product, a significant upgrade of the website will be necessary at some point in the future to transition to both Bootstrap v5 and the Enhanced Data Model.

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Power Pages: Adding a Custom Form Modal to List Action Buttons

Recently there was a comment on my blog Power Apps Portals: Related Entity as Source of Next Web Form Step about adding a custom Edit button to a list or subgrid. In this case, rather than editing the main row in the table, they wanted to edit a row that was related to the main row. If you want the edit form to pop up in a modal, it requires a bit of JavaScript. In this post, I’ll go through what you need to do in order to achieve this functionality.

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Power Apps Portals: Using Bootstrap Input Groups with Your Basic or Advanced Forms

The fact that Power Apps Portals uses Bootstrap as its CSS framework means we have a lot of tools as our disposal (yes, I know we’d all love it if we could use a newer version of Bootstrap, or even pick whatever framework we wanted, but that is a topic for another day). Unfortunately, some of the Bootstrap components require specific markup that we can’t achieve with configuration alone. In this post I’ll cover how we can use JavaScript to change the markup on either Basic Forms or Advanced Forms so that we can leverage the Input Group functionality (in case you missed the memo, Basic Forms is the new name for Entity Forms, and Advanced Forms is the new name for Web Forms).

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Power Apps Portals: Customizing Date and Time Format on Notes and Activities

I’ve been working a lot with Notes and Timelines on the Portal recently, and it just so happens that I had a recent comment on one of my old posts asking about customizing how dates are shown when displaying notes. The code didn’t end up being too long, but it involves a couple different techniques that I thought were worth exploring a bit more in depth.

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Power Apps Portals: Notes vs Timeline Metadata – Comparison

In this series of blog posts, I’m looking at the ways to enable an asynchronous conversation between Dynamics/Power Apps users and portals users. The two most common techniques I see use Entity/Web Form Metadata – either the Notes or Timeline metadata option. This post covers a comparison between the two.

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Power Apps Portals: Notes vs Timeline Metadata – Timeline Metadata Deep Dive

In this series of blog posts, I’m looking at the ways to enable an asynchronous conversation between Dynamics/Power Apps users and portals users. The two most common techniques I see use Entity/Web Form Metadata – either the Notes or Timeline metadata option. This post covers the newer way – using the Timeline metadata option.

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Power Apps Portals: Notes vs Timeline Metadata – Notes Deep Dive

In this series of blog posts, I’m looking at the ways to enable an asynchronous conversation between Dynamics/Power Apps users and portals users. The two most common techniques I see use Entity/Web Form Metadata – either the Notes or Timeline metadata option. This post covers the original way – using notes.

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Power Apps Portals: Notes vs Timeline Metadata – Introduction

In many cases, allowing for a “conversation” between your Dynamics/Power Apps model-driven app users and your Power Apps Portals users is a requirement for a portal. For example, once a description is entered into a Case, often a back-and-forth is required in order to lead to its successful resolution. In Power Apps Portals, the two primary ways to achieve this functionality is by leveraging either the Notes or the Timeline options of Entity or Web Form Metadata. In this series of posts, I’ll look at these options in more details.

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Power Apps Portals: Related Entity as Source of Next Web Form Step

The Web Forms functionality lets you build complex multi-page, multi-entity wizard-style forms on your Power Apps Portals. And while there are a ton of options, it’s not uncommon to run into situations where you can’t do everything you want with configuration, so you might need to resort to a bit of JavaScript (and maybe even Liquid). One of those situations is if you want the source entity for the next step in your Web Form to be a record related to the entity of the current step.

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Engineered Code is a web application development firm and Microsoft Partner specializing in web portals backed by Dynamics 365 & Power Platform. Led by a professional engineer, our team of technology experts are based in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.