Engineered Code is proud to announce the availability of ecLearn - the Learning Management System built on top of Microsoft Dataverse


Where’s That Dynamics 365 Portals Code? – Part 1

When someone first gets started with the Portal capabilities for Dynamics 365, one thing I’ve noticed that can be a bit overwhelming is how many different places you can put a piece of HTML, JavaScript, Liquid, etc to achieve the same result. In this series of posts, I describe some of the options, and provide some our best practices.

Continue reading “Where’s That Dynamics 365 Portals Code? – Part 1”

Adding SharePoint Integration to the Employee Self-Service Portal Without Server-side Code – Part 4

In my fourth and final post in the series on how you can add an integration with SharePoint to the Employee Self-Service Portal in Dynamics 365 without using server-side code, I’ll show you how you can add the ability to upload a file from the Portal directly into SharePoint.

Continue reading “Adding SharePoint Integration to the Employee Self-Service Portal Without Server-side Code – Part 4”


Engineered Code is a web application development firm and Microsoft Partner specializing in web portals backed by Dynamics 365 & Power Platform. Led by a professional engineer, our team of technology experts are based in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.