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Power Pages: What Kind of JavaScript Should I Write?

While there is a lot you can do with the out-of-the-box capabilities of list and forms with Power Pages, pretty often on projects you do run into cases where you need more than what you can do with just configuration. In these cases, Liquid and JavaScript are often used to help you meet requirements. While there aren’t too many choice to make when using Liquid, the same can’t be said for JavaScript. In this blog post, I’ll look at some different options for writing client-side code with Power Pages.

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Power Apps Portals: Related Entity as Source of Next Web Form Step

The Web Forms functionality lets you build complex multi-page, multi-entity wizard-style forms on your Power Apps Portals. And while there are a ton of options, it’s not uncommon to run into situations where you can’t do everything you want with configuration, so you might need to resort to a bit of JavaScript (and maybe even Liquid). One of those situations is if you want the source entity for the next step in your Web Form to be a record related to the entity of the current step.

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Power Apps Portals: Related Records Filtering on Lookups When Creating Records via Subgrid

The power of Entity Forms in Power Apps Portals is that they mirror much of the functionality available in model-driven apps (and Dynamics 365). While the parity isn’t 100%, one advanced feature that Entity Forms does support is Related Records Filtering on lookups, where the available options in the lookup are filtered by some other data that has already been selected. However, in certain cases, this functionality doesn’t offer exact parity out-of-the-box – one of those cases is when you are creating a new record via a subgrid, and you’re expecting that the parent record is used in the filtering of the lookup.

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Power Apps Portals: Customizing the Rendering of Notes and Activities

I’ve always been an advocate for using CSS to control the visibility of out-of-the-box Power Apps Portals features. Unfortunately, sometimes CSS isn’t enough, and you do have use JavaScript. And even then, sometimes you have to resort to some exotic techniques – one of those times is customizing some aspects of how notes and activities are rendered on Power Apps Portals.

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Power Apps Portals: Modifying Option Set Options on an Entity Form

If you’ve come from the world of Dynamics 365 (or CRM…) and are starting to work with Portals, it can be frustrating when you discover that client-side JavaScript code that works great in your model-driven app doesn’t work on a Power Apps Portal – especially because Entity Forms and Web Forms are marketed as a technology that exposes your existing forms to the web. This post we look at why it doesn’t translate, and provide some code that solves a common request: modifying the available options in an option set.

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Power Apps Portals: Print Invoices

The topic of my first Portals Community Call back in January was the how to build a portal that allows a customer to view and print invoices. While solutions for this has been described by others (including Megan V. Walker’s excellent post), I also presented a different approach that I thought was worth covering in a blog post so that I could get a bit more into the technical details.

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Power Apps Portals: Where You Put Your JavaScript Matters

One of the most frustrating things that can happen when developing any type of software is when you’ve got the code correct but, due to it being in the wrong place, it doesn’t work as you’ve expected. A recent question on the community forums highlights the importance of putting your JavaScript in the right place.

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Dynamics 365 Portal: Where to Look When Things Are Slow

It seems to be happening more and more these days that we are being asked to assist organizations that have launched a Dynamics 365 Portal but they are unhappy with the performance. If you find yourself dealing with a portal that is slower than you think it should be, this post should give you an idea of where to start looking.

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Engineered Code is a web application development firm and Microsoft Partner specializing in web portals backed by Dynamics 365 & Power Platform. Led by a professional engineer, our team of technology experts are based in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.