Engineered Code is proud to announce the availability of ecLearn - the Learning Management System built on top of Microsoft Dataverse


Thoughts on Dynamics 365 Spring Release 2018, CDS 2.0 and Portals

Last month Microsoft unveiled the Spring Release 2018 of Dynamics 365. While there were a lot of interesting items in the announcement (Marketing, Embedded Intelligence, PowerBI Insights apps), the one that I’m most excited about is the latest release of Common Data Service (CDS), version 2.0. In this post I’ll provide my thoughts on this latest update, as well as what it might mean for the Portal capabilities of Dynamics 365.

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Dates, Times and Portal Capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Dates, times, time zones, daylight savings time, and anything related to those concepts is an area that has always been a huge pain in the you-know-where for developers. There are so many rules and variables that it’s hard to be confident that your solution is handling all cases perfectly. Thankfully frameworks like .NET remove a lot of the guesswork, but you still have to be careful. In this post, I’ll investigate how Dynamics 365 and Portals handle dates and times.

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Virtual Entities and Dynamics 365 Portals – Part 4 – Fake OData v4 Service

In order to confirm that much of the functionality in Dynamics 365 Portals works with virtual entities, I needed to have data sources with some pretty specific fields. Rather than hunting for an existing service to meet all of my requirements, I was able to quickly setup a fake OData service hosted in Azure Web Apps that I could use as my Dynamics 365 Virtual Entity Data Source.

Continue reading “Virtual Entities and Dynamics 365 Portals – Part 4 – Fake OData v4 Service”

Virtual Entities and Dynamics 365 Portals – Part 1

One of the great new features available in Dynamics 365 v9 is Virtual Entities, which allow you to represent data from external system as entities without copying or synchronizing data, and often times without any custom code. In this series of posts, I’ll dive into this new feature, with a focus on what it means for Dynamics 365 Portals, and how we can leverage them to create no-code integrations between your Dynamics 365 Portal and other systems.

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Diving into new Microsoft Dynamics 365 Portal capabilities and official guidance for upgrades from Adxstudio Portals

My latest article for was released last week. It talks about the latest release of Dynamics 365 Portals, as well as the release of documentation for the migration from Adxstudio Portals v7 to the Microsoft-hosted v8.

Continue reading “Diving into new Microsoft Dynamics 365 Portal capabilities and official guidance for upgrades from Adxstudio Portals”

Version 1.2018.2.14 of XrmToolBox Plugin for the Online Management API Released

Since we were so close, we decided to finish off adding support for the entire Online Management API to our XrmToolBox Plugin. We’ve actually released two versions recently: one with the new features, and then another one fixing a bug we had introduced with the new features.

Continue reading “Version 1.2018.2.14 of XrmToolBox Plugin for the Online Management API Released”


Engineered Code is a web application development firm and Microsoft Partner specializing in web portals backed by Dynamics 365 & Power Platform. Led by a professional engineer, our team of technology experts are based in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.